Maria Mora Pinzon, MD, MS, FACPM

Dr. Mora Pinzon is a physician Board Certified in Preventive Medicine and Public Health and is currently a scientist with the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute. She received her MD from the Universidad Central de Venezuela – Escuela Jose Maria Vargas, a master’s in Clinical Research from Rush University (Chicago, IL), and completed residency at the University of Wisconsin – Madison in 2017. Her work seeks to improve access to culturally appropriate care for Latinx older adult with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias, through the intersection of implementation science, community based participatory research and health services research. Dr. Mora Pinzon is a REC scholar with the Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center, and recently received a K99/R00 from the National Institute of Aging to fund her project “Improving Access to Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementia’s Care Services for Latinx Individuals at Community Health Clinics”.

Wisconsin Alzheimer’s Institute