Special Interest Groups

Special Interest Groups

Consortium members are required to maintain active participation in at least one Interest Group and may become Interest Group Chairs.

Special Interest Groups:

1. Genomics and Biomarkers
Jorge Llibre-Guerra MD, Yakeel T. Quiroz PhD, Sid O’Bryant PhD.

2. Cognition & Assessment
Katya Rascovsky PhD, Idaly Velez Uribe, PhD

3. Dementia Care & Psychosocial Interventions
Jaime Perales Puchalt, PhD, MPH, Miriam Jocelyn Rodriguez, PhD

4. Recruitment and Clinical Trials
Christian Salazar, PhD; Mirella Diaz-Santos, PhD

Investigators participating in the Consortium may partner in the writing of publications and new research grant applications, but consortium activities are not limited to a specific paper/grant/project.

CADLAS Trainee Networking Group
Trainees at any career stage are also welcome to join the CADLAS Trainee Networking Group, which provides opportunities for peer-mentoring, career development, and much more.

Averi Giudicessi, MS, Jairo Martinez, MA and Isabel Solis, PhD

Learn more about the work our Special Interest Groups are doing by watching the following:

The Consortium of Aging, Dementia & Latino Studies- CADLAS is unprecedented in that it includes investigators with diverse research interests and expertise in basic, clinical, translational and public health sciences from various regions throughout the U.S. The Consortium members have ongoing research studies that enroll individuals from ethnic and culturally diverse communities including older Latino adults of Mexican, Central and South American backgrounds, as well as of the Caribbean islands. CADLAS members also have active working relationships with community-based organizations that result in powerful alliances to help the Consortium to carry out new research projects and recruit older Latino adults into their studies.