Ambar Perez graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from the Universidad Catolica Santa Maria la Antigua in Panama. She worked as a research assistant at the Panama Aging Research Initiative in the Center for Neuroscience at INDICASAT-AIP where her main focus was a project exploring blood-based biomarkers that could predict mild cognitive impairment and dementia. She won a scholarship from the IFARHU-SENACYT in 2020 to study her doctoral degree in Clinical and Health Psychology with a concentration in Neuropsychology at the University of Florida. Ambar obtained a master in science degree after completing her thesis which aimed to explore factors associated with adherence to behavioral interventions in MCI patients. She is currently a doctoral candidate after successfully passing her qualifying exam which was focused on exploring normative data of neuropsyhcological tests in Spanish speakers. Ambar’s research interests are focused on teleneuropsychology, cross-cultural neuropsychology and prevention of MCI and Dementia. She is also part of the Hispanic Neuropsychological Society and the current Student Representative of the Student Association Committee.
Clinical and Health Psychology Doctoral Candidate, University of Florida