Raul is an Assistant Professor at the University of North Texas Health Science Center and has been a researcher with the HABS-HD study since its inception. A previous Health Disparities in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment NIH/NIA Diversity Supplement recipient, Raul got his medical degree at the Catholic University of Cuenca, Ecuador. He subsequently earned an Internal Medicine specialization from the University of Cuenca-Ecuador, and a Master’s degree in Public Health from the University of North Texas Health Science Center in Fort Worth, Texas. Raul’s current work seeks to validate a cardiovascular cognitive risk score tailored to Hispanics, and to examine the impact of this score on A(T)N biomarkers. He believes that to gain a better understanding of cognitive aging in Hispanics living in the US, we need to go back to our roots, so he hopes to see the HABS-HD study expanding to Latin America in the near future.
Assistant Professor, University of North Texas Health Science Center